My Automation Machine

I really want to write about my first year of trading since it is ending soon next week. However, I guess I will leave it to next Weekend. As I said in my previous post, I will probably lose a lot. That’s why today, I want to talk about something different, and it is my automation machine. My machine has three tasks every day: Update WoWs Info API Load Manga Update Check WoWs update & build data based on it The Manage update one won’t be open source, but I am happy to share what I am doing with the machine....

January 21, 2024 · 3 min · Yiheng

Reminiscence ~ CP8

It was late September 2015 when I came to Sydney for my Foundation Studies at UNSW, and my class was called CP8. It has been almost 8 years, I never realise how fast time goes. After the event in Singapore, I went back to motherland for a while and even went to the US with my mother before coming to Australia. You know I was stupid, naive and miserable. I almost looked down on everyone in my class....

June 23, 2023 · 3 min · Yiheng

Programming, AI & Future

Last week, GPT-4 was announced. Then, we had the Microsoft Copilot, GitHub Copilot X and even more AI powered tools. Funny that I was discussing whether my past ten years of programming was meaningful. It is fast how things change. Last time, I went to UNSW for the 30th anniversary of CSE. The speaker said something like this, AI is overhyped now but will be underhyped in the future. That future… is now....

March 26, 2023 · 3 min · Yiheng

WoWs Info Seven

Almost two years ago, I stopped the development of WoWs Info. I was tired and needed a break from it because I had mixed feelings about it. I haven’t touched it ever since until last month when I got something important back thanks to a certain anime. How interesting life can be. WoWs Info Seven will be the first update in 2 years, and it will be a full rewrite in Flutter with some minor changes here and there....

May 23, 2022 · 2 min · Yiheng

AnimeGo ~ Road to Desktop

With the latest release of Flutter, Windows is officially supported, and this is a great LEAP of Flutter. However, the road to desktop is not simple. Simply running the same app on desktop is not fully supporting desktop. The app must adapt to desktop and should even include desktop specific features. AnimeGo was first created in late 2017, and it was only meant for Android. React Native was used for development, and the app was not that good....

February 13, 2022 · 3 min · Yiheng

パズそば ~ Origin

Everything all started with an idea back in 2016 or 2017 when I say this video on YouTube. I cannot remember when I first saw it but this video was the origin. It was just too cool to me and I couldn’t imagine that one day, I could achieve something similar. Last year, I was boring staying at home so I started learning some iOS and Android development while looking for a job....

September 4, 2021 · 3 min · Yiheng

Blog Update #2

It has been a while since I last posted. What was I doing for the past four months? I guess I was working and doing a lot of things (or nothing at all). I had three posts pending and still not completed. This is very time consuming. 10 years ago, I usually spend days working on a single post. I mean a whole day. Now, I have other things to do....

July 18, 2021 · 3 min · Yiheng

Reminiscence ~ 8 years of programming

8 years ago in Singapore, I went to the post office with my guardian to pick up my parcel from Beijing. It had several things in it and the most important thing was the C Primer Plus book. I had been waiting for a few weeks. 8 years later in Sydney, programming is now my career. This is something I couldn’t imagine when I started programming 8 years ago. Today marks the 8th anniversary of programming....

February 6, 2021 · 14 min · Yiheng

New Habit App

Last January, I started a new project Henry’s Habit App. It was a simple app to help you start new habits. It was great but soon, I found out that an issue. It was boring and people like me will give up in a few days. There must be a way to make the app “fun”. The development was stopped in late June because I started working on パズそば. Last December, I bought a new game, Ring Fit Adventure, for my switch console because it was on discount....

January 9, 2021 · 2 min · Yiheng


AnimeOne 雖然是我第二個動漫 APP 但她是我第一個使用 Flutter 製作的 APP。也是我很滿意的 APP,主要是因爲好的架構以及 APP 的設計。維持了半年多還不需要重寫,這也證明了我的進步。WoWs Info 我不知道重寫了多少次。。。而且當初最重要的内核部分,我只用了 3 天就完成了,可以説是非常剛啊,哈哈。 網站的故事 去年 4 月,因爲一些原因網站關閉。我也終止了 APP 的維護。大概是 2020 年 12 月初,網站再次開啓了。當然那時的我還不知道。最近,我又開始使用 NVIDIA SHIELD TV,無意間打開了 Chrome 瀏覽器。裏面的網址恰好就是。於是它自動刷新了頁面。這時我發現網站加載進去了。這就是我如何發現網站重新上綫的故事。 關於 APP 的未來 既然網站重新上綫,我也會繼續發開,之前還有一些問題沒有解決。最近的話,會更新 1.1.0 版本,其實就是 1.0.8 版本,但是會有一些小改動。我也在想是不是可以使用原生安卓開發。就是說放棄 Flutter,使用 Kotlin 重新開始。當然了,我打算把 AnimeGo 也加進來。這是我之前的想法 —— AnimeAll。就是全部網站都在一個 APP 裏面。 AnimeAll 這個項目最初是在 Windows 平臺上的程序,總共有四個網站可以選擇。這個程序會去處廣告并且阻止彈窗,但是最近也放棄了開發。有時間的話,我打算把 AnimeOne 和 AnimeGo 合并成爲一個 APP,還可以加入別的網站。這個 APP 將會是一個原生的安卓 APP。不會支持任何別的平臺。 下載 APP 目前最新版本是 1.0.8,可以在這裏下載。我自己也試了試,目前沒有任何問題,可以正常使用。之後我會使用 Automatic 生成一個 APP 的網站,感覺這樣其實挺不錯的。 最後小記 最近開始了博客。新的項目、APP 的更新、我的一些想法還有很多其他的我想寫的我都會在這裏更新。估計英語會占大部分,除非這個項目本身是中文的,我一般都會使用英語。偶爾估計也會用日語寫寫播客吧。...

January 1, 2021 · 1 min · Yiheng