Kotlin ~ React Native ~ Flutter

I want to expand a bit more on my previous comment, but first, we have to go back to late 2016… when I started developing WoWs Info using Swift 2. Read more in details here about the overall timeline. Skip to Kotlin if not interested in the rest. React Native, Xamarin, Flutter I never mentioned why React Native was chosen over Xamarin and Ionic and only said it was a shortcut....

October 8, 2024 · 5 min · Yiheng

Project NAIVE ~ A new wave

The name of this project is the best I have ever given. In the past, I always named my projects exactly what they did, but this time, NAIVE tells you nothing about trading. The name has a few meanings, the fact that I am naive, even a naive system can profit and keep things straightforward. I created this project in mid-2023… This may look like a sudden and random pursuit of mine started last year....

May 31, 2024 · 3 min · Yiheng

What happened with WoWs Info?

WoWs Info is an important chapter in my life. I started the development in early February 2017 during my uni life. At some point, I put too much time and effort into it and ended up failing multiple courses at UNSW. It was responsibility, I had to be responsible for my users. Maybe, I pushed it too far. It was a great lesson for me. Sometimes, I need to put down, the so called responsibility....

June 24, 2023 · 3 min · Yiheng

WoWs Info Seven

Almost two years ago, I stopped the development of WoWs Info. I was tired and needed a break from it because I had mixed feelings about it. I haven’t touched it ever since until last month when I got something important back thanks to a certain anime. How interesting life can be. WoWs Info Seven will be the first update in 2 years, and it will be a full rewrite in Flutter with some minor changes here and there....

May 23, 2022 · 2 min · Yiheng

Reminiscence ~ 8 years of programming

8 years ago in Singapore, I went to the post office with my guardian to pick up my parcel from Beijing. It had several things in it and the most important thing was the C Primer Plus book. I had been waiting for a few weeks. 8 years later in Sydney, programming is now my career. This is something I couldn’t imagine when I started programming 8 years ago. Today marks the 8th anniversary of programming....

February 6, 2021 · 14 min · Yiheng

New Habit App

Last January, I started a new project Henry’s Habit App. It was a simple app to help you start new habits. It was great but soon, I found out that an issue. It was boring and people like me will give up in a few days. There must be a way to make the app “fun”. The development was stopped in late June because I started working on パズそば. Last December, I bought a new game, Ring Fit Adventure, for my switch console because it was on discount....

January 9, 2021 · 2 min · Yiheng


AnimeOne 雖然是我第二個動漫 APP 但她是我第一個使用 Flutter 製作的 APP。也是我很滿意的 APP,主要是因爲好的架構以及 APP 的設計。維持了半年多還不需要重寫,這也證明了我的進步。WoWs Info 我不知道重寫了多少次。。。而且當初最重要的内核部分,我只用了 3 天就完成了,可以説是非常剛啊,哈哈。 網站的故事 去年 4 月,因爲一些原因網站關閉。我也終止了 APP 的維護。大概是 2020 年 12 月初,網站再次開啓了。當然那時的我還不知道。最近,我又開始使用 NVIDIA SHIELD TV,無意間打開了 Chrome 瀏覽器。裏面的網址恰好就是 anime1.me。於是它自動刷新了頁面。這時我發現網站加載進去了。這就是我如何發現網站重新上綫的故事。 關於 APP 的未來 既然網站重新上綫,我也會繼續發開,之前還有一些問題沒有解決。最近的話,會更新 1.1.0 版本,其實就是 1.0.8 版本,但是會有一些小改動。我也在想是不是可以使用原生安卓開發。就是說放棄 Flutter,使用 Kotlin 重新開始。當然了,我打算把 AnimeGo 也加進來。這是我之前的想法 —— AnimeAll。就是全部網站都在一個 APP 裏面。 AnimeAll 這個項目最初是在 Windows 平臺上的程序,總共有四個網站可以選擇。這個程序會去處廣告并且阻止彈窗,但是最近也放棄了開發。有時間的話,我打算把 AnimeOne 和 AnimeGo 合并成爲一個 APP,還可以加入別的網站。這個 APP 將會是一個原生的安卓 APP。不會支持任何別的平臺。 下載 APP 目前最新版本是 1.0.8,可以在這裏下載。我自己也試了試,目前沒有任何問題,可以正常使用。之後我會使用 Automatic 生成一個 APP 的網站,感覺這樣其實挺不錯的。 最後小記 最近開始了博客。新的項目、APP 的更新、我的一些想法還有很多其他的我想寫的我都會在這裏更新。估計英語會占大部分,除非這個項目本身是中文的,我一般都會使用英語。偶爾估計也會用日語寫寫播客吧。...

January 1, 2021 · 1 min · Yiheng

The End of WoWs Info?

I haven’t committed to WoWs Info since Jul 14, 2020 except for personal rating on the API branch so you might ask, “Am I abandoning this project?”. There were several occasions where I wanted to stop but I didn’t. Did it worth it at all? Before answering this question, we have to go back to 2016. March 2016 I registered my Wargaming account on March 3, 2016. This was the start of everything....

January 1, 2021 · 5 min · Yiheng