The list of projects I worked on.
0. LEAP Mobile & LawConnect Mobile
I am currently working as a junior mobile developer at LEAP DEV. LawConnect Mobile was implemented mainly by myself using Flutter with support from many teams. LEAP Mobile is a native mobile application that supports both iOS & Android. During the development, I came up with the idea of automation via Fastlane to speed up our testing & distribution flow.
This project started in late 2023 aiming to automate my trading every day using the NAIVE system and my magical MODEL. The decision will be made 100% from my deep learning model which can be trained with new data in the future. The NAIVE system will run the code on the IKBR platform to ensure trades are executed and closed correctly. Whether this setup is profitable is unknown at the moment. However, it is fulfilling my childhood dream where there is some magical box that gives me free money when I am sleeping.
1. WoWs Info [HOLD]
It is a series of projects focusing on getting player information/statistics using the official World of Warships API. This is my main focus from late 2016 until early 2020. I made many friends because of the development of WoWs Info but I also lost something because of it. This is also my first ever app on App Store and Google Play.
I am considering adding more features to it but it is on my schedule for now. I will definitely come back to it in the future. I just want to do something else because I spent too much time on it and I don’t really play World of Warships anymore.
Before I could realise, this project has influenced many fellow developers and users. However, I was never aware of my impact. Many have happened, but this app has brought many great memories.
2. AnimeGo [HOLD]
This is a mobile client for gogoanime. I have no idea what’s the real one because there are many fake ones. I made this app just to get rid of apps and also improve the experience on mobile. It started with React Native and has been rewritten with Flutter. This app is great at the current stage but the streaming experience can still be improved.
I still update it once a while but since AnimeOne is back, I am using it more. The only thing remaining is to use the native video player instead of the webview. Otherwise, it has achieved what I wanted it to be.
3. AnimeOne [HOLD]
A mobile client for focusing on architecture and design. I can say it is the best app I have ever made because of the great architecture. It was done in 3 days and I spent lots of time improving the user experience. It is another anime app I made and I use it every day. However, it has a very different design compared to AnimeGo but I copy good things each other. It can still have a few more features but I cannot think of a better design to add them.
The next step is to use the native video player instead of webview and also, make it native first so that Flutter is simply a framework. However, it is not happening soon.
4. CPUSpeed [HOLD]
This app was done in a single day but it is the most successful app I have ever made. It has over 50,000 downloads on Google Play and this is something I couldn’t imagine when I made it. It was meant to be simple and it is. This is probably why it is so successful because it is focused on that area and it works (kinda). It has been rewritten in Flutter and uses Kotlin to do handle the root stuff. It is also the most tested app and I can say that it is bug free (UI wise).
I want to add more features but I don’t want to break the simple design so will do it later when I want to. I still have around 1,000 active users every day. This is just crazy to me.
5. pazusoba [HOLD]
A solver for Puzzle & Dragons. This is very fun and enjoyable. Finding the optimal among trillions of possible combinations is the goal of this project. Actually, the goal is to find a good solution quickly and perform it automatically from your computer and even on mobile. Currently, I am working on a refactor to eliminate any hidden bugs in V1. This is my first project in C++ and I am learning a lot. Every millisecond matters and it will decrease the time significantly.
5.1 pazuauto
The automation part of pazusoba. Some videos are available on YouTube. It works on all platforms and will be ported to Android in the future
5.2 pazulove
The machine learning part of pazusoba. It doesn’t work at the moment but will be improved. The goal is to predict the number of combo in 10 steps base on the current board. If this gives a good result, the algorithm will be so much faster and will yield better results.
5.3 pazusoba-android
The same pazusoba but on Android. The ultimate goal of this project and is the next step after V2 refactor. This can help you playing some boring and simple dungeons automatically.
5.4 pazuflaza
Use pazusoba with Flutter so that it can be ported to all platforms including mobile. I haven’t decided what to do with it yet.
6. NCSS (iOS Memory Search) [HOLD]
Find and hot patch program code from memory for iOS. Very hardcore but it was a great research. With this tool, you can inject code to any iOS apps and modify it even without jailbreaking the device (with JitterBug). I may improve it one day but it is good enough for now.
7. ida2br [HOLD]
A collection of tools for debugging. IDA is a reverse engineering tool but now, I use the free Ghidra instead. This can be very useful in finding addresses and crack anything.
8. winserver [HOLD]
Just a simple server written in C#. This is the foundation of WoWs RS and Send.
8.1 WoWs RS [HOLD]
This is an advanced feature of WoWs Info. This program hosts a local server for WoWs Info to access and it passes real time data to the app so that the app can display statistics of all 24 players in the current game. I haven’t tested for years and it probably doesn’t work anymore. I will fix it with WoWs Info when I release a new version.
8.2 Send [HOLD]
This is similar to WoWs RS but it is for sending texts across different platforms within the same network.
9. the-lott-simulation [HOLD]
Do you want to win a lottery? This is a simulation just for it. Winning is just a dream even with simulation. I played for more than 80,000,000 games but I cannot win division 1. It is just that unlikely. You must be so lucky to win it.
10. mcpe_mod [LEGACY]
The beginning of everything. I registered my GitHub account in 2014 to add this repo. It doesn’t work anymore but it reminds me of my old self. A brave warrior who enjoys challenges and never gives up. It is funny because I want to become my old self. When I grow up, I have become a coward. I really want to be like that again.
Many more on GitHub!