More than two years old, I wrote regarding UTM on iPad and my vision for iPad OS. Thanks to Apple for doing almost nothing interesting for the iPad. My iPad Pro had eaten too much dust and kept on iPad OS 16.2. Finally, TrollStore supported iOS and iPad OS 16. With that, I can run UTM with virtualisation support, and it can run faster than many x86 laptops.

The new Stage Manager on iPad OS 16 was indeed a great addition or start for iPads to be somewhat productive, because it can support an external display and run multiple apps at the same time. Samsung and other Android devices have had this feature for years. My Z Fold 5 can also do something similar when an external display is connected, and maybe it does it better.

Now, if I connect to an external display and put UTM there, I can sort of have the good iPad OS and a Windows 11/Ubuntu at the same time. It will drain the battery, but it means that my iPad is finally a bit useful. Well, is it really?

I still don’t use my iPad that much. Overall, I just prefer a phone instead of a tablet. This is just my preference. That’s why I have a foldable phone because it can be a tablet or a phone at any time. The iPad should work more like a laptop as a bonus. This will never happen because it may affect the MacBook Air.

However, I always had a solution for that. You can just sell the iPad Pro + a MacOS container for a higher price compared to the MacBook Air. If you want a tablet but also want to do something more productive, you need to buy a “dedicated keyboard” for that feature to work. This can solve the pricing issue. Maybe, limit the container feature to high-end iPad Pro with the keyboard bundled. Sadly, this may also not happen.

Anyway, the experience is still not great. UTM crashes way more often. If the GPU can run at full speed, we can even play games on the iPad Pro. That’s wild, but unlikely to happen. For now, I will keep on iPad OS 16.2 until something interesting is done by Apple maybe in iPad OS 20, or maybe never.

Next week, my first year of trading will end. I am preparing to do a big one this year. I may lose $2,000, but that’s fine. I will write about it soon.