This one was never finished and has been in draft for half a year. I am just making it public now, not checked or anything but you get the idea.
I always wanted to try trading because my father is a trader, and it sounded very cool. He often tells me about his trading philosophy but less on how to trade. He was so happy when he was talking about it. In the past 10 years, I have been focusing on programming one-sidedly. What does that bring me? A job, a career or just nothingness.
This year, I started trading for real and had one goal which is double my capitcal. It was a small capital of 5,000 AUD, but going beyond 10,000 AUD was extremely challenging. On Thursday, when NVDA went up over 20%, my call options went up 50 times. It just took 4 months, and I achieved my unimaginable goal in a day.
This brings my thoughts back to 10 years ago when I just started programming. The purest joy, where has it been for years?
Lately, I have been avoiding programming, something I have been doing for years. I have gave up too much for it, socials, friends and enjoyment just for a job? I have seen people with no background landing a job after doing some bootcamp for a few months. If I just wanted a job, isn’t this a better way? Sadly, this is not possible because I am still on a visa.
Citizenship is something I have been fighting for my whole life. Even in motherland, I am simply someone from a different province. In Singapore, Japan or Australia, I am just an international student. Now, a worker on a visa. When can I obtain my citizenship somewhere?
My thoughts were back from the past. My dreams always guides me when I need it.
It was the first time I earned a few thousands without using my programming skills. This is a new path for me. I am still a very naive trader, but in a few years, I will be better just like programming.