I had no idea what I was doing before I was in Singapore. Every day, I woke up and went to school to study but for what? I had no goals back then because all I needed to do was study and get good grades.

Life in Singapore was truly memorable. I was doing crazy things, and I have no idea how I did them. Talking with my classmates was hard because they had no idea what I was talking about. Interestingly, this is still true today because programming and technical stuff are hard. I was a bit lonely in Singapore because I went way beyond.

However, I was naive enough to think that I was already too good. I settled.

My university life wasn’t great once I started my second year. The difficulty increased dramatically, and I couldn’t handle it. I failed, failed and failed again. I thought I couldn’t pass my courses anymore. However, somewhere inside told me that I could do it. If I could do it in Singapore, I could do it again. I did it in the end and went beyond.

After I started working, I settled again.

I have been thinking ever since COVID about my life goal and dream. What is it? What do I want to achieve? I have many dreams, but I need something more. Something pushes me forward. It is the exact thing I had in Singapore, but I lost it.

Luckily, I figured it out.

Somewhere deep inside told me that I wanted to get better than before and go beyond. I have become the kind of person I wanted to be 10 years ago. However, this won’t end. I can always get better no matter how good or bad I am.

In Singapore, I could spend days working out something simple to me now. At uni, my art teacher told me that I wasn’t treating it seriously, and she said she could spend hours drawing a straight line. It reminded me of my days in Singapore.

I need to do more, and I will.