Two years have passed. Everything has changed including me. I am no longer that simple, and I don’t like it.
The ceremony today was great. It was only two years late, and nobody I knew was there. It reminded me of lots of great memories at UNSW. They will not fade away.
I get a bit emotional because I knew they won’t come back anymore. There are too many feelings in me and very complicated. I wish things can be the same, but I know we all need to move on to the future.
I am often lost in the past. Sometimes, I remember a certain moment, but it is gone now. That feeling is so complicated and so is life.
I used to say that uni was terrible and working was better for me. I am working now, and it is indeed better. However, I started to recall my days at uni even though it was “horrible”. Life is strange.
The sweet past is gone, and I have to face the future.
What is now missing from me? I think it is the force pushing me forward. Back in Singapore, I faced countless challenges, but I never gave up. After so many years, I finally know what I want to do, I simply want to be better and go beyond. It is as simple as that.
My journey is still long.
No matter what happens today, tomorrow will come no matter what.