UTM is a virtualisation app for iOS and iPad OS. This is the only saviour for my new iPad Pro. ISH is simply too slow and took forever to compile my C/C++ code. Jekyll simple doesn’t work at all. With UTM, I can use Jykell with Debian at least but it is not great. Maybe, I should just download a git client on iOS and write my new post there.
However, UTM doesn’t work anymore on iOS 14 so you need something called JitterBug to use it properly. UTM uses JIT so without it, it will be super slow. However, even with JIT, it is not native performance. My iPad Pro can only use its 1/7 power in this VM and the graphical user interface didn’t work and caused a pink screen reboot. This post is written on the iPad Pro and nano has a weird bug that it is not using the screen. I will later add a screenshot down below.
Another thing is that I cannot see the website locally because it is inside a VM so I cannot see it from Safari. This defeats the whole purpose of having a Linux system because I wanted to see the final website locally. If I can fix the reboot issue, I may use firefox or chromium locally to see this post. However, this is still better than nothing.
A device this powerful cannot use its full power. If Apple wants, simply support virtualisation on iPad OS so that software like parallel can port to iPad OS so users can use Linux or Windows on their tablet without compromising performance. IPad Pro feels like Surface RT I had years ago. It is more powerful and useful than RT but still, it is locked in a closed environment. You cannot use the full potential of the hardware. I wonder why?
** Update **
This was a hard one to write because UTM is not yet perfect. I managed to downgrade to 2.1.2 (the latest stable build not beta) but the keyboard support is not great. I have to give up and admit that the iPad Pro M1 is not a computer yet but a powerful toy.
UTM is still amazing though because you can run anything on it. I see some potential in it and maybe virtualisation is the way to go for iPad OS. However, only time could tell.