It has been a while since I last posted. What was I doing for the past four months? I guess I was working and doing a lot of things (or nothing at all). I had three posts pending and still not completed. This is very time consuming. 10 years ago, I usually spend days working on a single post. I mean a whole day. Now, I have other things to do. It is very challenging when I want to do everything. If I focus too much on something, I will miss other things. However, if I don’t, I end up doing nothing. Still, I am finding a balance between everything.
This update will be focusing on the website itself.
I have updated the theme myself base on the no style please theme. It is very simple and clean so I thought it would be a great starting point for me to work on my theme. To be honest, web is never this fun before. I used React Native for a year and a half for WoWs Info so I know some basic CSS and how HTML works. There are still many more to do and that will be the next update.
I was originally using Flutter to create the site myself but that’s too much work because I have to make sure all past posts are compatible with it. Yes, I gave up on that and decided to stick with Jekyll.
What will happen next?
I have been working on a rework of pazusoba. This month is the first anniversary of pazusoba. That’s why I decided to rework it and the current version has some bugs in it. This time, I am adding more tests and GitHub Actions is used to run those tests. CMake is also integrated in this rework. Currently, I am very happy with CMake and will use it again in the future.
The next thing is that I will start posting more. Yeah, I have been lazy and forgot about this for 4 months. It is time to stop this. I got actually three new devices and maybe, I can write reviews for them. I have too many devices like 20+ and probably even more. It is more like a collection but I do use them from time to time. Only a few are my main devices. I will also introduce them in the future. For the website, I will add a tab for hosting WIP posts so that I don’t forget about them.
Finally, I am working on WoWs Info again. The API is no longer full functional and I think Wargaming won’t fix it anymore. Flutter rework is gone and I will continue based on the React Native version. It is not so bad and I have recreated everything from scratch. Native first and React Native as a module. This is how I see cross platform mobile development. This will be true for my Flutter projects as well. The upcoming update will be iOS only. I am planning to support iOS 14 widgets and also, 3D Touch. Next up, I will port some features implemented in Flutter to React Native. Then, I will do the same for Android.