It has been a month since I started updating my GitHub Page, and I am still experimenting with everything. The website is plain and empty. Many things are not yet finalised. That’s why I would like to gather my ideas here.
I was planning to update the look, but I haven’t started. I will spend some time reading the docs. There are several things I want to have for the blog.
- Timeline
- Tags
- On this day
- Filter
I think I need to update the layout myself. It shouldn’t be that hard, right? Just some HTML and CSS.
Future Content
There are currently 3 posts I am working. My writing skill isn’t good enough, so it is taking lots of time. Now, I will list things I will post in the future.
This is really generic. It is mainly how I see things, my ideas and philosophy. Sometimes in my life, I might start thinking about certain topic. That’s why it is called meditation. This is often because I have nothing else to do, but it is not always the case. Thinking is fun and I like it. Every day, I think and discuss it in my mind.
This is all back events and things happened in the past. It might be a single event or a period as a whole. I am currently working on About Me and it will contain major events happened and what kind of person I truly am, but it won’t be detailed. Reminiscence will fill in the gap. I think this is a good topic to write.
In general, the title will be Reminiscence ~ xxx, inspired by Ace Attorney games. However, it won’t apply to everything. However, the format will still be xxx ~ xxx. I will talk about what happened, what I did, how I was thinking and finally, how I see it now. I might have different opinions now because people change over time but nothing is wrong with that.
Last year, I was mainly staying at home. Usually, people get really bored and some couldn’t handle it. I instead recalled many things happened before. It was great because it reminded me of my good old days and my life was a whole. Sometimes, in my dream, people from different time come together. It is weird but I like it. Maybe dream is just another reality.
Tutorial & Experience
Some simple tutorials with images. For example, I can share how to set up Linux on Android or other hacks. This can also be my experience. For example, programming, language learning and more. I will share how I started and became somewhat decent. Many tutorials are too advanced for beginners, but I can understand because they might have forgotten when they just started or just too talented, lol. I will try my best to share what I know.
Some posts will just have their own tags when they are specific.
I am also considering whether I should use real names or not. This is the only thing I am not too certain. I feel like it should be fine… I need to think about it.
That’s all for now.