Last January, I started a new project Henry’s Habit App. It was a simple app to help you start new habits. It was great but soon, I found out that an issue. It was boring and people like me will give up in a few days. There must be a way to make the app “fun”. The development was stopped in late June because I started working on パズそば.

Last December, I bought a new game, Ring Fit Adventure, for my switch console because it was on discount. I had heard of this game before and watched some review videos. It seemed to be a good way to do simple workouts at home. I got inspired by this game when I started playing myself. The game is fun and rewarding. You need to move to play and you defeat monsters by working out. Every single repetition is now meaningful because it deals damage to monsters and you see it immediately.

Eventually, you are working out because you want to play this game, not because you just want to workout. This isn’t ideal but it is much better than not doing it at all. I want to do something similar to my habit app. I want to make it a bit more interesting, not just a boring timer.

HabitApp is now archived and I probably won’t work on it anymore but instead, I have created a new private repo. This time, I won’t be using Flutter or React Native. This app will be written in Kotlin and Android only. One of my goals for 2021 is to learn native Android development. I will try to post more this year. Maybe at least 1 post per week.